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"...delights with her roulades and high notes..." – Play To See


The Phantom of the Opera – “Suarez Groen delights with her roulades and high notes. For all her evil grimaces, she is beautiful, like all the other female principals.”



"...her hungry, ripe soprano boasts a bite..." – Broadway World


The Phantom of the Opera – “A spitfire in the often-misunderstood Carlotta, her hungry, ripe soprano boasts a bite that would pierce the firmest apple, bolstered by the grounding sexual dominance of her spoken mezzo.”



"...exceptionally funny..." – NY Theater Guide


¡Figaro!(90210) – “Raquel Suarez-Groen as Roxanne captured the ‘actress’ archetype perfectly and was exceptionally funny in her characterization of the forgotten wife.”



"…she sang sweetly and illuminated the stage with her radiant smile...” – Voix des Arts


Fidelio – “Soprano Raquel Suarez Groen lent Marzelline measures of humor and humanity that made her part in the opera more vital that many singers have made it. Beginning with the charming duet with Jaquino that opens Act One, she took advantage of every opportunity for detailed characterization that Beethoven gave to her. She sang ‘Es wird ja nichts Wichtiges sein’ delightfully, the repeated top Gs and coloratura cresting on top A employed to impart Marzelline’s growing frustration with Jaquino’s refusal to accept that she is in love with Fidelio. Suarez Groen sang Marzelline’s Mozartean aria ‘O wär’ ich schon mit dir vereint, und dürfte Mann dich nennen!’ deftly, and, unlike many Marzellines, she ensured that her presence was noticed in the quartet by phrasing ‘Mir ist so wunderbar, es engt das Herz mir ein’ imaginatively and dexterously negotiating the coloratura. Joining Leonore and Rocco in their fantastic trio, she declaimed ‘Dein gutes Herz wird manchen Schmerz in diesen Grüften leiden’ beautifully and ascended to the top C with spot-on intonation. Suarez Groen’s reaction to learning Fidelio’s true identity in the opera’s finale provided a precious moment of levity…she sang sweetly and illuminated the stage with her radiant smile”



"...Suarez-Groen is a standout...” – The Huffington Post


¡Figaro!(90210) – “Scott nicely calibrates his character’s desires; Suarez-Groen is a standout.”





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